Name | ALOS PRISM dataset |
Metadata Identifier | ALOS_PRISM20230727082406-en |
Name | Remote Sensing Technology Center |
---|---| |
Name | Satoko Miura |
Organization | JAXA/Mission Operations System Office |
Name | JAXA |
creation : 2013-04-30
The Panchromatic Remote-sensing Instrument for Stereo Mapping (PRISM) is a panchromatic radiometer with 2.5m spatial resolution at nadir. Its extracted data will provide a highly accurate digital surface model (DSM). PRISM has three independent optical systems for viewing nadir, forward and backward producing a stereoscopic image along the satellite's track. Each telescope consists of three ... mirrors and several CCD detectors for push-broom scanning. The nadir-viewing telescope covers a width of 70km; forward and backward telescopes cover 35km each. The telescopes are installed on the sides of the optical bench with precise temperature control. Forward and backward telescopes are inclined +24 and -24 degrees from nadir to realize a base-to-height ratio of 1.0. PRISM's wide field of view (FOV) provides three fully overlapped stereo (triplet) images of a 35km width without mechanical scanning or yaw steering of the satellite. Without this wide FOV, forward, nadir, and backward images would not overlap each other due to the Earth's rotation.
Begin Date | 2006-01-24 |
End Date | 2011-04-22 |
North bound latitude | 90 |
West bound longitude | -180 |
Eastbound longitude | 180 |
South bound latitude | -90 |
Dimension Name | Dimension Size (slice number of the dimension) | Resolution Unit |
() | ||
() |
Keyword Type | Keyword | Keyword thesaurus Name |
theme | Land Surface > Land Use/Land Cover > Land Cover, Land Surface > Land Use/Land Cover > Land Resources, Land Surface > Land Use/Land Cover > Land Use Classes, Land Surface > Topography > Landforms, Land Surface > Topography > Topographical Relief, Land Surface > Topography > Terrain Elevation, Land Surface > Topography > Contours, Spectral/Engineering > Visible Wavelengths > Visible Imagery | GCMD_science |
ALOS User Interface Gateway (Products order is available only for JAXA project members) :
name | version | specification |
CEOS format (BSQ) |
There are following processing levels.
[Level 1A]
This is a PRISM raw data extracted from the Level 0 data, expanded and generated lines.
Ancillary information such as radiometric information and etc. required for the processing, superior to the Level 1B is added.
[Level 1B1]
This is the data that performed radiometric correction to Level 1A data, and added the absolute calibration coefficient.
Ancillary information such as radiometric information and etc. required for the processing, superior to the Level 1B2 is added.
[Level 1B2]
This is the data that performed geometric correction to Level 1B1 data.
The following correction options are available.
R: Geo-reference data
G: Geo-corded data