APHRODITE Japan precipitation

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Name APHRODITE Japan precipitation
Edition V1207
Abbreviation APHRO_JP
Metadata Identifier APHRO_JP20230727073306-DIAS20221121113753-en



Organization Hirosaki University
Address Japan
E-mail aphrodite.precinfo@gmail.com


Data Integration and Analysis System

Name DIAS Office
Organization Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Address 3173-25, Showa-Cho, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa, 236-0001, Japan
E-mail dias-office@diasjp.net


Name Yasutomi Natsuko
Organization DPRI, Kyoto University


Name Kamiguchi Kenji
Organization Japan Meteorological Agency




  • creation : 2010-06-01



Asian Precipitation - Highly-Resolved Observational Data Integration Towards Evaluation (APHRODITE's ) of Water Resources project develops state-of-the-art daily precipitation and temperature datasets with high-resolution grids for Asia. The datasets are created primarily with data obtained from a rain-gauge-observation network.

Product APHRO_JP offers gridded daily precipitation of Japan for 1900-2011.

Topic Category(ISO19139)

  • climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere

Temporal Extent

Begin Date 1900-01-01
End Date 2011-12-31
Temporal Characteristics Daily

Geographic Bounding Box

North bound latitude 46
West bound longitude 123
Eastbound longitude 146
South bound latitude 24


Dimension Name Dimension Size (slice number of the dimension) Resolution Unit
row 460 3 (minute)
column 440 3 (minute)


Keywords on Dataset

Keyword Type Keyword Keyword thesaurus Name
theme APHRODITE, daily precipitation, Japan No_Dictionary

Keywords on Project

Data Integration and Analysis System
Keyword Type Keyword Keyword thesaurus Name
theme DIAS > Data Integration and Analysis System No_Dictionary

Online Resource

Distribution Information

name version specification
netCDF lats4d 2.0.1
4byte little endian N/A


Data Processing (1)

General Explanation of the data producer's knowledge about the lineage of a dataset

The gridded fields of daily precipitation are defined by interpolating

gauge observations obtained from meteorological stations throughout the region.

Please refer to


for the details of interpolation algorithm and input data.


For long-term change analyses, we provide dataset calculated from constant observation through the analysis period. (DPREC.CSTN)

Details on quality control method of our product is described in Kamiguchi et al.(2010, 2011)


Data Policy by the Data Provider

1.APHRODITE products are available to all academic institutions and researchers. No commercial use of the data is allowed.

2.Each user shall sign up with a valid email address so as to be informed of data updates and/or errata.

3.APHRODITE data shall not be redistributed as a whole or in part to the general public through the Internet or other means.

4.Although all reasonable precautions have been taken by the APHRODITE project in preparing the products, in no event shall the APHRODITE project be liable for any loss or damage arising from their use.

5.If you want to release secondary products using APHRODITE data on your website or through other means, you must contact the APHRODITE project for permission.

6.Papers or written scientific works of any form based in whole or in part on APHRODITE data shall contain an acknowledgement of APHRODITE. This can be done by citing an appropriate reference paper or APHRODITE web site (http://www.chikyu.ac.jp/precip/).


1.If you are going to use APHRODITE data as a benchmark in your project, we encourage you to inform us. We list such groups/projects on our website and exchange information for future improvements.

2. If you publish a paper, please inform us. We will list your paper on our website. (http://www.chikyu.ac.jp/precip/research/index.html)

Data Policy by the Project

Data Integration and Analysis System

If data provider does not have data policy, DIAS Terms of Service (https://diasjp.net/en/terms/) and DIAS Privacy Policy (https://diasjp.net/en/privacy/) apply.

If there is a conflict between DIAS Terms of Service and data provider's policy, the data provider's policy shall prevail.


Acknowledge the Data Provider

Papers or written scientific works of any form based in whole or in part on APHRODITE data shall contain an acknowledgement of APHRODITE. This can be done by citing an appropriate reference paper or APHRODITE web site (http://www.chikyu.ac.jp/precip/).

Acknowledge the Project

Data Integration and Analysis System

If you plan to use this dataset for a conference presentation, paper, journal article, or report etc., please include acknowledgments referred to following examples. If the data provider describes examples of acknowledgments, include them as well.

" In this study, [Name of Dataset] provided by [Name of Data Provider] was utilized. This dataset was also collected and provided under the Data Integration and Analysis System (DIAS), which was developed and operated by a project supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. "


Kamiguchi, K., O. Arakawa, A. Kitoh, A. Yatagai, A. Hamada, and N.Yasutomi (2010): Development of APHRO_JP, the first Japanese high-resolution daily precipitation product for more than 100 years, Hydrological Research Letters, 4, 60-64.

Yatagai, A., K. Kamiguchi, O. Arakawa, A. Hamada, N. Yasutomi and A. Kitoh (2012): APHRODITE: Constructing a Long-term Daily Gridded Precipitation Dataset for Asia based on a Dense Network of Rain Gauges, Bulletin of American Meteorological Society, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-11-00122.1.

Kamiguchi, K., O. Arakawa and A. Kitoh (2011): Long-term changes in Japanese extreme precipitation analyzed with APHRO_JP_EX, Global Environmental Research, V15N2, 91-100.

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