Name | Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Core Satellite DPR dataset |
Metadata Identifier | GPM_DPR20230727092410-en |
Name | G-Portal Support Desk |
Organization | Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency |
Address | 2-1-1 Sengen, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8505, Japan | |
Name | Satoko Miura |
Organization | JAXA/Satellite Applications and Operations Center (SAOC) |
Name | JAXA |
creation : 2016-04-11
The Dual-frequency Precipitation Radar (DPR) on board the GPM core satellite is composed of two radars: a Ku-band (13.6-GHz) Precipitation Radar (KuPR) and a Ka-band (35.5-GHz) Precipitation Radar (KaPR).
The KaPR instrument aims at sensitive observation, and can detect weak rainfall and snowfall that cannot be measured by KuPR. Since the KuPR instrument can detect heavier rainfall, simultaneous observation by the KaPR and KuPR will enable accurate measurement of precipitation from heavy rainfall in tropics to weak snowfall in high-latitudes.
Rain echo is affected by precipitation attenuation, and its amount depends on radar frequency and raindrop size. By matching position of radar beams and timing of transmitted pulses for KuPR and KaPR, and by measuring precipitation particles at the same place simultaneously by dual-frequency, size of precipitation particles (raindrop size distribution) can be estimated by differences in precipitation attenuation.
This will improve the accuracy of precipitation estimation since the information could not be obtained by single-frequency radar, such as the TRMM’s PR. It is also expected to identify rainfall and snowfall by using differences in precipitation attenuation for dual-frequency.
Begin Date | 2014-03-08 |
End Date | Under Continuation |
North bound latitude | 65 |
West bound longitude | -180 |
Eastbound longitude | 180 |
South bound latitude | -65 |
Keyword Type | Keyword | Keyword thesaurus Name |
theme | Atmosphere > Precipitation > Precipitation Amount, Atmosphere > Precipitation > Rain | GCMD_science |
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