Map of potential rate of photosynthesis of woody plants


Name Map of potential rate of photosynthesis of woody plants
Edition 1.0
Metadata Identifier GRENE_ei_EcoBiodiv_ESMap_Japan_Photo20230727091701-en



Name Michio Oguro
Organization Tohoku University
Name Tohru Nakashizuka
Organization Tohoku University


Name Michio Oguro
Organization Tohoku University


Name Michio Oguro
Organization Tohoku University
Name Tohru Nakashizuka
Organization Tohoku University
Name Hiroko Kurokawa
Organization Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute
Name Masahiro Aiba
Organization Tohoku University




  • creation : 2015-10-15



Potential photosynthesis rate (Amass) of woody plants map of Japan. For the details of data provision and term of use, please contact us by e-mail.

Topic Category(ISO19139)

  • environment

  • biota

Temporal Extent

Begin Date 1993-01-01
End Date 1999-01-01
Temporal Characteristics Duration in which source vegetation map was created.

Geographic Bounding Box

North bound latitude 45.55722
West bound longitude 122.9336
Eastbound longitude 153.9864
South bound latitude 20.42528


Keywords on Dataset

Keyword Type Keyword Keyword thesaurus Name
theme Ecosystems, Biodiversity GEOSS
theme Biosphere > Terrestrial Ecosystems > Forests, Biosphere > Terrestrial Ecosystems > Agricultural Lands, Biosphere > Terrestrial Ecosystems > Alpine/Tundra, Biosphere > Terrestrial Ecosystems > Grasslands, Biosphere > Terrestrial Ecosystems > Montane Habitats, Biosphere > Terrestrial Ecosystems > Shrubland/Scrub, Biosphere > Terrestrial Ecosystems > Urban Lands, Biosphere > Terrestrial Ecosystems > Wetlands, Biosphere > Ecological Dynamics > Community Dynamics > Biodiversity Functions, Land Surface > Land Use/Land Cover > Land Resources GCMD_science
theme BIOGEOSCIENCES > Ecosystems, structure and dynamics, BIOGEOSCIENCES > Biodiversity AGU
theme Biodiversity, Ecosystem Function/Dynamics GEO_COP
place Asia > Eastern Asia > Japan Country
theme Ecosystem Services No_Dictionary

Data Environmental Information

Species richness map in which estimation was done for all polygons of vegetation map and the map in which estimation was done for each 1km grid are available.

Distribution Information

name version specification
ESRI GeoDataBase ArcGIS 10.3


Data Processing (1)

General Explanation of the data producer's knowledge about the lineage of a dataset

Using the 6th and 7th Natural Environment Conservation Fundamental Observation data (Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan) and functional traits database of woody plants (Kurokawa et al. in preparation), we calculated community weighted mean (CWM) of leaf mass per area (LMA) for each observation unit. Also, climate data (Mesh climate data in National Numerical Information by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan; East Anglia University Climate Research Unit CRU_TS 2.1 Dataset) and elevation (10m digital elevation model in Fundamental Map Information by Geospatial Information Authority of Japan) were assigned based on coordinates of the observation units by GIS. By applying CWM of LMA and climate information to the photosynthesis model by Reich et al. (2007), maximum photosynthetic rate (Amass, μmol/s/leaf g) was calculated for each observation unit. Then the values of photosynthetic rate was modeled by climate, elevation and vegetation of the observation units. Using this model and vegetation map at ca. 1996 (The 5th Natural Environment Conservation Fundamental Observation vegetation map), photosynthetic rate was spatially interpolated all over the Japan.

Data Source

Data Source Citation Name Description of derived parameters and processing techniques used

Mesh climate data of National Numerical Information

Mesh climate data of National Numerical Information by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan

CRU_TS 2.1

East Anglia University Climate Research Unit Time Series Dataset

10m digital elevation model in Fundamental Map Information

10m digital elevation model in Fundamental Map Information by Geospatial Information Authority of Japan

The 6th and 7th Natural Environment Conservation Fundamental Observation

Vegetation data from the 6th and 7th Natural Environment Conservation Fundamental Observation data by Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan

The 5th Natural Environment Conservation Fundamental Observation

Vegetation map from the 5th Natural Environment Conservation Fundamental Observation by Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan


Oguro, Aiba, and Nakashizuka (2016). Observation of forest ecosystem and mapping ecosystem services – visualizing ecosystem services by combining several data sets (in Japanese). Biological Science, Heredity, 70(1), 22-27.

Reich, P. B., Wright, I. J., & Lusk, C. H. (2007). Predicting leaf physiology from simple plant and climate attributes: A global GLOPNET analysis. Ecological Applications, 17(7), 1982-1988. doi:Doi 10.1890/06-1803.1

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