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Name | Bias corrected climate scenarios over Japan based on CDFDM method using CMIP6 |
Edition | Ver. 1 |
Abbreviation | NIES2020 |
DOI | doi:10.17595/20210501.001 |
Metadata Identifier | NIES2020_jpnCDFDM_CMIP620230727104021-DIAS20221121113753-en |
Name | Noriko N. Ishizaki |
Organization | National Institute for Environmental Studies |
ishizaki.noriko@nies.go.jp |
Name | DIAS Office |
Organization | Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology |
Address | 3173-25, Showa-Cho, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa, 236-0001, Japan |
dias-office@diasjp.net |
Name | Noriko N. Ishizaki |
Name | Noriko N. Ishizaki |
publication : 2021-05-01
This dataset is bias corrected climate scenarios over Japan with the spatial resolution 1km using CMIP6. Five GCMs were selected from CMIP6; MIROC6, MRI-ESM2-0, ACCESS-CM2, IPSL-CM6A-LR, MPI-ESM1-2-HR. Regarding the GHGs emission pathways, SSP1-RCP2.6, SSP2-RCP4.5, and SSP5-RCP8.5 were used. CDFDM proposed by Iizumi et al. (2010; 2011; 2012; 2014; 2017) was modified so that the model is constructed within each month. Daily data for eight variables (daily mean, max, min temperature, precipitation, global solar radiation, downward longwave radiation, wind speed, and relative humidity) are avairable from 1900 to 2100. The abbreviations of the variables in the download page are tas [degree C], tasmax [degree C], tasmin [degree C], pr [mm/day], rsds [MJ/m2/day], rlds [MJ/m2/day], sfcwind [m/s], and rhs [%], respectively.
Begin Date | 1900-01-01 |
End Date | 2100-12-31 |
Temporal Characteristics | Daily |
North bound latitude | 46 |
West bound longitude | 122 |
Eastbound longitude | 146 |
South bound latitude | 24 |
Dimension Name | Dimension Size (slice number of the dimension) | Resolution Unit |
row | 1920 | 1 (km) |
column | 2640 | 1 (km) |
Keyword Type | Keyword | Keyword thesaurus Name |
discipline | Climate scenario, Bias adjustment, CDFDM, Impact assessment, CMIP6 | Bias correction |
Keyword Type | Keyword | Keyword thesaurus Name |
theme | DIAS > Data Integration and Analysis System | No_Dictionary |
name | version | specification |
netCDF | netCDF4 |
Bias correction using modified CDFDM method was applied to the 5 selected GCMs from CMIP6. The CDF for the calibration period was conducted in each month. Daily observational data from 1980 to 2018 were utilized to maximize the reference period. Historical data for the GCM was composed of 1980-2014 from the historical run and 2015-2018 from the SSP585 run for each GCM. As a reference data, we used the Agro-Meteorological Grid Square Data (Ohno et al. 2016). Data formats were based on the Gregorian calendar. Linear trend was preserved for the daily mean, max, and minimum temperature and downward longwave radiation.
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When this data set is referred to in publications, it should be cited in the following format.
Ishizaki, N. N., 2021: Bias corrected climate scenarios over Japan based on CDFDM method using CMIP6, Ver.x.x*1, NIES, doi:10.17595/20210501.001, (Reference date*2: YYYY/MM/DD)
*1 Please indicate the version number you used the data.
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" In this study, [Name of Dataset] provided by [Name of Data Provider] was utilized. This dataset was also collected and provided under the Data Integration and Analysis System (DIAS), which was developed and operated by a project supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. "
Ishizaki, N. N., H. Shiogama, N. Hanasaki and K. Takahashi (2022) Development of CMIP6-based climate scenarios for Japan using statistical method and their applicability to heat-related impact studies. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022EA002451