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Name | TKBMoni1000 |
Edition | 初版 |
Metadata Identifier | PVPJ20240612143805-en |
Name | Nobuyuki Tanaka |
Organization | Forestry and Forest Products, Research Institute |
Address | Hitsujigaoka 7, Toyohira-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido, 062-8516, Japan |
TEL | 011-590-5502 |
FAX | 011-851-4167 |
ntanaka@affrc.go.jp |
Name | Nobuyuki Tanaka |
Name | Nobuyuki Tanaka |
creation : 2008-__-__
The data is from inventory of all trees in 1-ha plot of a old-growth natural Fagus crenata forests under the support of Monitoring Site 1000 project, Ministry of Environment, Japan. The inventory is plant to be repeated every 5 years.
Begin Date | 2007-01-01 |
End Date | Under Continuation |
Temporal Characteristics | every 5 years |
North bound latitude | 36.22513888 |
West bound longitude | 140.10411111 |
Eastbound longitude | 140.10411111 |
South bound latitude | 36.22513888 |
Dimension Name | Dimension Size (slice number of the dimension) | Resolution Unit |
row | 100m | 0.1m (m) |
column | 100m | 0.1m (m) |
山地斜面 Mountain slope
Keyword Type | Keyword | Keyword thesaurus Name |
theme | forest dynamics, climate chage, natural old-growth forest, tree inventory, Monitoring Site 1000 | No_Dictionary |
A old-growth natural forest dominated by Fagus crenata
name | version | specification |
Data of Monitoring Site 1000 | 初版 |
Based on field survey by man
Follow the policy of Monitoring Site 1000
Follow the policy of Monitoring Site 1000, Ministry of Environment, Japan
Follow the policy of Monitoring Site 1000, Ministry of Environment, Japan