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Name | Estimated temperature under different landuse scenarios using NHM |
Metadata Identifier | RECCA_AtmosEnv_Land_use_impact_v120240612160415-en |
Name | Daisuke Goto |
Organization | National Institute for Environmental Studies, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute the University of Tokyo |
goto.daisuke@nies.go.jp |
Name | Daisuke Goto |
Organization | National Institute for Environmental Studies |
goto.daisuke@nies.go.jp |
Name | Daisuke Goto |
Organization | National Institute for Environmental Studies |
goto.daisuke@nies.go.jp |
creation : 2014-03-17
It includes temperature simulated by NHM under three different land uses in each era (1970s, 2000s, and 2030s).
Begin Date | 1970-08-08 |
End Date | 2030-08-20 |
Temporal Characteristics | Daily. Data are available for 1970, 2000, and 2030. |
North bound latitude | 36.5 |
West bound longitude | 138.5 |
Eastbound longitude | 141.5 |
South bound latitude | 34.8 |
Keyword Type | Keyword | Keyword thesaurus Name |
theme | 気温、土地利用 |
name | version | specification |
データ提供者との個別交渉 | なし |
NHM-simulated distribution of air temperature under three different land uses in each era (1970s, 2000s, and 2030s) made by National Land Numerical Information and MOE-S8.
The users should contact us and acknowledge us in your presentations (perhaps add us to the co-authors, in case our contribution is large).
This dataset is provided by MEXT/RECCA/SALSA Project Team.
MEXT/RECCA/SALSA report (2012, 2013)