Name | Teshio CC-LaG Site Energy, Water, CO2 Flux, Spectral Radiation, Vegetational Index Data |
Abbreviation | Teshio CC-LaG Flux dataset |
Metadata Identifier | Teshio_Cc_Lag_Flux20230727070234-DIAS20221121113753-en |
Name | Dr. Nobuko Saigusa |
Organization | Center for Global Environmental Research, National Institute for Environmental Studies |
Address | Onogawa 16-2, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8506, Japan |
TEL | +81-29-850-2517 |
FAX | +81-29-850-2645 | |
Name | DIAS Office |
Organization | Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology |
Address | 3173-25, Showa-Cho, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa, 236-0001, Japan | |
Name | Dr. Nobuko Saigusa |
Organization | Center for Global Environmental Research, National Institute for Environmental Studies | |
Name | Dr. Kentaro Takagi |
Organization | Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University | |
Name | Dr. Nobuko Saigusa |
Organization | Center for Global Environmental Research, National Institute for Environmental Studies | |
Name | Takeshi Murayama |
Organization | Research & Development Dept, Planning Division, Hokkaido Electric Power Co.,Inc. |
creation : 2014-03-06
Hokkaido University, National Institute for Environmental Studies, and Hokkaido Electric Power Co. began observations of the effects of forest managements on a larch forest ecosystem structure and functions. The observations at Teshio CC-LaG site started in 2001, and the forest was clear-cut and young larch saplings were planted in 2003. We monitor and evaluate the changes in forest ecosystem structure and functions on a regional scale by applying several techniques such as the eddy covariance method, chamber measurements and remote sensing.
Begin Date | 2001-08-26 |
End Date | Under Continuation |
Temporal Characteristics | 30minute |
North bound latitude | 45.05 |
West bound longitude | 142.1 |
Eastbound longitude | 142.1 |
South bound latitude | 45.05 |
Toikambetsu, Horonobe-cho Teshio-gun, Hokkaido, Japan
Keyword Type | Keyword | Keyword thesaurus Name |
theme | Atmosphere > Atmospheric Radiation > Incoming Solar Radiation, Atmosphere > Atmospheric Radiation > Longwave Radiation, Atmosphere > Atmospheric Radiation > Shortwave Radiation, Biosphere > Vegetation > Photosynthetically Active Radiation, Atmosphere > Atmospheric Temperature > Air Temperature, Atmosphere > Atmospheric Water Vapor > Humidity, Atmosphere > Atmospheric Chemistry > Carbon and Hydrocarbon Compounds > Carbon Dioxide, Atmosphere > Atmospheric Winds > Surface Winds, Atmosphere > Atmospheric Winds > Wind Profiles, Atmosphere > Atmospheric Pressure > Atmospheric Pressure Measurements, Atmosphere > Precipitation > Precipitation Amount, Atmosphere > Precipitation > Snow, Agriculture > Soils > Soil Temperature, Agriculture > Soils > Soil Moisture/Water Content, Agriculture > Soils > Soil Respiration, Biosphere > Vegetation, Biosphere > Vegetation > Biomass | GCMD_science |
place | Asia > Eastern Asia > Japan | Country |
theme | Energy, Water, Spectral Radiation, CO2 Flux, Soil Heat Flux, NDVI, EVI, LAI, CO2 concentration profile, CO2 concentration in the soil air, Stem respiration, Litter fall | No_Dictionary |
theme | In Situ Land-based Platforms > GROUND STATIONS | GCMD_platform |
place | Asia > Eastern Asia > Japan | Country |
Keyword Type | Keyword | Keyword thesaurus Name |
theme | DIAS > Data Integration and Analysis System | No_Dictionary |
Outline of Teshio Site :
National Institute for Environmental Studies global environment research center global environment data base :
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" In this study, [Name of Dataset] provided by [Name of Data Provider] was utilized. This dataset was also collected and provided under the Data Integration and Analysis System (DIAS), which was developed and operated by a project supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. "
Takagi K, Kotsuka C, Fukuzawa K, Kayama M, Makoto K, Watanabe T, Nomura M, Fukazawa T, Takahashi H, Hojyo H, Ashiya D, Naniwa A, Sugata S, Kamiura T, Sugishita Y, Sakai R, Ito K, Kobayashi M, Maebayashi M, Mizuno M, Murayama T, Kinoshita K, Fujiwara D, Hashida S, Shibata H, Yoshida T, Sasa K, Saigusa N, Fujinuma Y, Akibayashi Y (2010) Allometric relationships and carbon and nitrogen contents for three major tree species (Quercus crispula, Betula ermanii, and Abies sachalinensis) in northern Hokkaido, Japan. Eurasian Journal of Forest Research 13:1-7
Takagi, K., Fukuzawa, K., Liang, N., Kayama, M., Nomura, M., Hojyo, H., Sugata, S., Shibata, H.,Fukazawa, T., Nakaji, T., Oguma, H., Mano, M. Akibayashi, Y., Murayama, T., Koike, T., Sasa, K.,Fujinuma, Y. (2009) Change in the CO2 balance under a series of forestry activities in a cool-temperate mixed forest with dense undergrowth. Global Change Biology, 15, 1275-1288.