Name | DIAS_Satellite_AMSR2_Geo dataset |
DOI | doi:10.20783/DIAS.278 |
Metadata Identifier | DIAS_Satellite_AMSR2_Geo20230727074455-DIAS20221121113753-en |
Name | JAXA DIAS representative |
Organization | Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency |
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Name | DIAS Office |
Organization | Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology |
Address | 3173-25, Showa-Cho, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa, 236-0001, Japan | |
Name | JAXA DIAS representative |
Organization | Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency |
dias at ml dot jaxa dot jp |
Name | JAXA DIAS representative |
Organization | Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency |
dias at ml dot jaxa dot jp |
publication : 2016-03-11
The Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) onboard the GCOM-W satellite is a remote sensing instrument for measuring weak microwave emission from the surface and the atmosphere of the Earth. From about 700 km above the Earth, AMSR2 will provide us highly accurate measurements of the intensity of microwave emission and scattering.
The antenna of AMSR2 rotates once per 1.5 seconds and obtains data over a 1450 km swath. This conical scan mechanism enables AMSR2 to acquire a set of daytime and nighttime data with more than 99% coverage of the Earth every 2 days.
■Product level
■Product Area
Begin Date | 2015-01-01 |
End Date | 2015-12-31 |
Temporal Characteristics | Daily |
North bound latitude | 90 |
West bound longitude | -180 |
Eastbound longitude | 180 |
South bound latitude | -90 |
Dimension Name | Dimension Size (slice number of the dimension) | Resolution Unit |
column | 3600 | 1 (deg) |
row | 1800 | 1 (deg) |
Keyword Type | Keyword | Keyword thesaurus Name |
theme | Atmosphere > Atmospheric Water Vapor > Water Vapor, Atmosphere > Precipitation > Precipitation Rate, Cryosphere > Snow/Ice > Snow Depth, Land Surface > Soils > Soil Moisture/Water Content, Oceans > Ocean Temperature > Sea Surface Temperature, Oceans > Ocean Winds > Vorticity | GCMD_science |
Keyword Type | Keyword | Keyword thesaurus Name |
theme | DIAS > Data Integration and Analysis System | No_Dictionary |
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